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RFA Statement on House Biofuels Caucus Letter to EPA

September 19, 2018


On Tuesday, the bipartisan House Biofuels Caucus sent a letter to EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler regarding the 2019 Renewable Volume Obligations (RVO) within the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The letter also urges the administration to remove regulatory barriers to 15% ethanol (E15), rather than implementing policies harmful to rural America. RFA President and CEO Bob Dinneen issued the following statement: "We greatly appreciate the support of the House Biofuels Caucus and welcome their voice to the growing chorus of consumers, farmers, and fuel choice advocates who all recognize the need for administrative action repealing this antiquated regulation today. The year-round use of E15 would empower consumers to choose a higher octane, lower priced fuel, provide farmers struggling with chronically low commodity prices with an important value-added market, and send a strong signal to the marketplace to invest in the infrastructure and technologies that will lead to higher ethanol blends. The time to act is now."